Jean Rauber

Jean is a student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), majoring in microtechnology. His primary areas of interest include mobile and swarm robotics and their applications. Already as a child he enjoyed watching documentaries and solving mathematical puzzles. His interest in science and engineering grew when he started reading books. – My imagination was stimulated by science-fiction authors Rafał Kosik and Stanisław Lem. When I was in junior high school, I started doing various experiments and DIY projects. I dreamed of becoming an engineer and contributing to the technological growth of humanity – he reminisces.

Getting accepted to an engineering program at EPFL was another step towards fulfilling these dreams. This academic year, in addition to studying purely theoretical subjects, Jean is undertaking a project in AVR microcontrollers. In addition, he is working on the design of a precise dynamometer based on compliant mechanisms. His other plans include vacation internships.

Jean admits that participation in the ADAMED SmartUP program served as an immense boost to his enthusiasm. – I was 16 years old when I applied for the program. Without the science camp experience and the contacts I made there – and finally without the year-long scientific consultations that I was lucky enough to win – I’d have found it much harder to make the decision to pursue my engineering degree abroad. Here’s my advice to my younger colleagues: when opportunities arise, work hard to take advantage of them– says Jean encouragingly.